
Talk title: Classifications, Links and Contexts
BARBARA B. TILLETT, served as a professional librarian from 1970-2013. From 1994-2012, she was
Chief of the Cataloging Policy & Support Office, later renamed the Policy & Standards Division, of
the Library of Congress. As Chief, she was responsible for the Library of Congress Classification
Schedules and Library of Congress Subject Headings, as well as cataloguing rule interpretations,
Library of Congress name authority files and LC’s database integrity. From 1998-2012, she was the
co-founder and leader of the Virtual International Authority File and its VIAF Council, which is now operated under OCLC. During the 1990’s, she was a consultant to the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions in the development of the theoretical, conceptual model of the bibliographic universe, known as FRBR, Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records,
and served on the IFLA Working Group that developed the follow-on conceptual model, FRAD,
Functional Requirements for Authority Data. From 2002-2007, she was Chair, IFLA Planning
Committee for the IFLA Meetings of Experts on an International Cataloguing Code, organizing and
leading regional meetings worldwide successfully to agree on the new International Cataloguing
Principles. She received an IFLA Certificate in 2009 in recognition for her leadership in
international bibliographic control. From 1994-2012, she served as the Library of Congress
representative on the Joint Steering Committee for Revision of AACR and then the Joint Steering
Committee for Development of RDA and was the JSC Chair, 2011-2013. She continues to serve on
several editorial boards and has written many publications, given lectures and Webinars in several
languages, and taught classes on authority control, bibliographic relationships, cataloguing
principles and codes, and library systems.
Talk title: Complementarity of perspectives for resource descriptions
Talk title: Complementarity of perspectives for resource descriptions
MARIA INÊS CORDEIRO is Director-General of the National Library of Portugal. She holds a PhD in Library and Information Studies from University College London and degrees in History and Librarianship from the universities of Lisbon and Coimbra. Her professional career includes several management positions at the National Library of Portugal and at the Art Library of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, where she was Head of Library Information Systems and Innovation Projects. Previously UDC Editor-in-chief, she is currently the Chair of the UDC Consortium. Inês has been a member of several IFLA standing committees (Classification and Indexing, Information Technology, Audiovisual and Multimedia and ICADS) and working groups, such as the Working Group on Principles Underlying Subject Heading Languages. She currently serves as Director of the IFLA UNIMARC Strategic Programme. Her research interests include knowledge organization and representation systems, information systems and library technologies.
Talk title: Libraries, classifications and the network: bridging past and future
Talk title: Libraries, classifications and the network: bridging past and future
MARCIA LEI ZENG is Professor at Kent State University. She has been involved in the development and research of knowledge organization systems (KOS) for over 20 years and has been contributing to related standards including NISO Z39.19 and ISO 25964 for controlled vocabularies. She was the chair of IFLA Working Group that developed the model of Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data (FRSAD) and an Invited Expert on the W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group. She also served as the Executive Board member of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO), Director-at-large of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) and Chair of the Advisory Board of Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI). Her major research interests include knowledge organization structures and systems, Linked Data, metadata and mark-up languages, database quality control, multilingual
and multicultural information processing and digital humanities.
Talk title: Application of FRBR and FRSAD to Classification Systems
Talk title: Application of FRBR and FRSAD to Classification Systems
MAJA ŽUMER is Professor of Information Science at the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia). Her research interests include the design and evaluation of information retrieval systems, end-user interfaces and conceptual modelling. She has been involved in several IFLA working groups, NISO committees and several EU projects. She has received several international and national research grants. She was a member of the IFLA FRBR Review Group and the co-chair of IFLA Working Group on the Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Records (FRSAR).
Talk title: Application of FRBR and FRSAD to Classification Systems
Talk title: Application of FRBR and FRSAD to Classification Systems
REBECCA GREEN is an assistant editor of the DDC, with specific responsibilities related to DDC training modules and investigation of relationships in the DDC, with a long-term goal of developing a topic-based version of the system to support automated applications. Other research interests include the ontological characterization of classes in classification systems, extension of the FRSAD model to accommodate a topic-centred view of the DDC, and automated methods for identifying the facet structure of a subject. Prior to joining OCLC, Rebecca was an associate professor in the College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland.
Talk title: Relational aspects of subject authority control: the contributions of classificatory structure
Talk title: Relational aspects of subject authority control: the contributions of classificatory structure
VIOLETA ILIK is the Head of Digital Systems and Collection Services Department at Galter Health Sciences Library at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. Violeta has experience in managing content creation and dissemination of print and digital resources, supporting scholars’ online identity with researcher management systems, and providing support for faculty, students, and staff on scholarly communication issues. She has experience in managing VIVO Implementation at two different institutions and has helped various other institutions across the world with creating VIVO Semantic Web compliant data. Violeta experimented with creating non-MARC Name Authority Records in order to represent researchers who mainly publish academic articles. Through the VIVO-ISF Ontology Working Group she has advocated for creating a central VIVO platform that can manage a registry of URIs for people as persistent identifiers.
Talk title: Distributed person data: using Semantic Web compliant data in subject name headings
Talk title: Distributed person data: using Semantic Web compliant data in subject name headings
DAGOBERT SOERGEL is Professor, Department of Library and Information Studies, Graduate School of Education, University at Buffalo since 2009 and Professor, College of Information Studies, University of Maryland, 1970-2010 and Professore Onorario, Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Scienza dell'Informazione, University of Trento since 2007. He has been working in the area of classification (taxonomy, ontologies) and thesauri for over 50 years. He authored the still-standard text- and handbook Indexing Languages and Thesauri. Construction and Maintenance (Wiley 1974) and Organizing Information (Academic Press 1985), which received the American Society of Information Science Best Book Award, and more than 100 papers and presentations in information retrieval, classification / ontologies, digital libraries, sense-making and relevance. He was the chief architect for the Alcohol and Other Drug Thesaurus (http://etoh.niaaa.nih.gov/ AODVol1/ Aodthome.htm) and the Harvard Business Thesaurus. He received the American Society for Information Science Award of Merit in 1997.
Talk title: Organization authority database design with classification principles
Talk title: Managing classification in libraries – a methodological outline for evaluating automatic subject indexing and classification in Swedish library catalogues
Talk title: Organization authority database design with classification principles
Talk title: Managing classification in libraries – a methodological outline for evaluating automatic subject indexing and classification in Swedish library catalogues
DENISA POPESCU is an IT Officer with the Information and Technology Solutions of the World Bank Group. Popescu led and worked on initiatives in the area of enterprise information integration of both structured and unstructured information, Master Data Management, reference data and taxonomies management and automatic metadata capture using semantic technologies. She holds a PhD in Business Administration from George Washington University. Popescu’s research activities focus on the areas of knowledge transfer and learning, technology innovation, international regulatory standards and global governance.
Talk title: Organization authority database design with classification principles
Talk title: Organization authority database design with classification principles
ULF SCHÖNEBERG works as software developer in the editorial office of zbMATH. His research interests include natural language processing methods for text analysis and neural networks methods and their use for test analysis.
Talk title: Machine-learning methods for classification and content authority control in mathematics
Talk title: Machine-learning methods for classification and content authority control in mathematics
WOLFRAM SPERBER is working as an editor at zbMATH. Previously he has worked in mathematical research, especially optimal control of partial differential equations and numerical methods for the solutions of these equations. His research interest is the content analysis of mathematical information, with an emphasis on machine-learning methods. Currently he is working on machine-learning methods for content analysis, tools for formula search, and concepts for semantic glossaries in mathematics.
Talk title: Machine-learning methods for classification and content authority control in mathematics
Talk title: Machine-learning methods for classification and content authority control in mathematics
MARIE BALÍKOVÁ is Head of National Subject Authorities, Indexing and Classification Department of the National Library of the Czech Republic; she is responsible for the national subject authority files and the implementation of the subject analysis international standards, as well as the Conspectus Categorisation Scheme in Czechia. She chairs the Working Group on Subject Access and is a member of the National Cataloguing Policy Committee in Czechia. She is a member of the Standing Committee of the IFLA Classification and Indexing Section, a member of the Executive Committee of UDC Consortium and a member of UDC Editorial Team. She also participated in several projects covering the subject analysis area: M-CAST (Multilingual Content Aggregation System based on TRUST Search Engine), UIG (Uniform Information Gateway), MUS (Musica Subject Gateway), KIV Subject Gateway (Subject Gateway for Library and Information Science). Currently she works on the national project INTERMI (Interoperability in memory institutions in Czechia).
Talk title: Subject authority control supported by classification: the case of National Library of the Czech Republic
Talk title: Subject authority control supported by classification: the case of National Library of the Czech Republic
JIRI PIKA is a member of the UDC Editorial Team and works on the revision of Earth Sciences and on the German UDC editions (UDC Summary, UDC Abridged Edition and Deutsche UDK Online). Up until 2014 he was a librarian - subject specialist in Earth Sciences at the ETH-Bibliothek (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich). During this period he worked on document indexing using UDC and developed a number of local extensions to classification including a mnemonic Earth Sciences Classification for a major open-stacks Earth Science Department Library (ETH). Jiri was also teaching indexing and classification at the master degree programme in Library and Information Science offered in collaboration between Zurich University and University Library in Zurich from 1998-2014. Jiri holds PhD degree in Natural Sciences from the ETH Zurich (1982).
Talk title: Multilingual subject access and classification-based browsing through authority control: the experience of the ETH-Bibliothek, Zürich
Talk title: Multilingual subject access and classification-based browsing through authority control: the experience of the ETH-Bibliothek, Zürich
MILENA PIKA-BIOLZI is a curator of the Geological-Palaeontological Collections of the ETH-Zürich (Earth Science Department). As a palaeontologist she initiated and designed several exhibitions dealing with phenomena in geology and palaeontology, based on material from ETH Geological-Palaeontological Collections. She was also in charge of the conceptual design of the focusTerra exposition at the Earth Science Department, which is now one of major attractions in museum landscape of city of Zurich. During her time as a curator she started to set-up Data Base for all the specimen of the Geological-Palaeontological Collections of the ETH-Zürich, now accessible online.
Milena was also teaching Palaeoclimatology and Stable isotope Geology at the master degree
programme in University of Parma (Italy) between 1986-2012. Milena holds a Doctoral degree
from University of Parma and the PhD degree in Natural Sciences from the University of Zurich
Talk title: Multilingual subject access and classification-based browsing through authority control: the experience of the ETH-Bibliothek, Zürich
Talk title: Multilingual subject access and classification-based browsing through authority control: the experience of the ETH-Bibliothek, Zürich
ANA VUKADINworks in the National and University Library in Zagreb as a subject cataloguer and an editor of the subject headings authority file. She is the editor-in-chief of the Croatian cataloguing code. Ana is a PhD candidate at the Department for Information Science at the University of Zadar and is currently working on her thesis on bibliographic modelling of transmedia resources. She also collaborates with the UDC Editorial Team on the revision of class 7 The Arts.
Talk title: Development of a classification-oriented authority control: the experience of the National and University Library in Zagreb
Talk title: Development of a classification-oriented authority control: the experience of the National and University Library in Zagreb
VICTORIA FRÂNCU holds a PhD in Library and Information Science from the University of Antwerp (Belgium) and a bachelor degree in Literature from the University of Bucharest. She works as a librarian at the "Carol I" Central University Library in Bucharest and, as visiting lecturer, teaches at the Library and Information Science Department of the Bucharest University. Her research interests are in subject indexing, indexing languages, classification and thesauri on which she extensively published and presented at international conferences. Victoria Frâncu is a member of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO) and became a member of the Universal Decimal Classification Consortium (UDCC) Editorial Team.
Talk title: TinREAD – an integrative solution for subject authority control
Talk title: TinREAD – an integrative solution for subject authority control
LIVIU-IULIAN DEDIU is Director of the IME Romania Ltd. (Information Management & Engineering Romania Ltd.). He holds a PhD in Library and Information Science Department from the University of Bucharest. His research interests are in library systems and automation of library procedures in general. He was previously an associate director at "V.A. Urechia" County Library of Galati (1997-2007) where he worked on reorganization of library services and upgrade of the library automation system. As a member and president of the National Association of Romanian Public Libraries, he has been actively involved in the development of national library programmes.
Talk title: TinREAD – an integrative solution for subject authority control
Talk title: TinREAD – an integrative solution for subject authority control
OLÍVIA PESTANA is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto, Portugal. Previously she worked for almost two decades as head librarian at a regional hospital. She holds a PhD in Information and Communication in Digital Platforms. Her teaching and research areas are in the management and organization of information, including subject cataloguing and authority control. She is the author of several papers in the fields of health information, health information services and information management.
Talk title: Alignment in medical sciences: towards improvement of UDC
Talk title: Alignment in medical sciences: towards improvement of UDC
CLAUDIO GNOLI is a librarian at the Science and Technology Library, University of Pavia. His research interest is in classification theory and he participates actively in the work of the UDC Editorial team (UDC Consortium) and the International Society for Knowledge Organization. He has published papers on this subject in several international journals and conference proceedings. He is a member of the editorial boards of the Universal Decimal Classification Consortium (UDCC) and of the journal Knowledge Organization and was a vice-president of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO).
Talk title: Commerce, see also Rhetoric: cross-discipline relationships as authority data for enhanced retrieval
Talk title: Commerce, see also Rhetoric: cross-discipline relationships as authority data for enhanced retrieval
RODRIGO DE SANTIS VIEIRA DA SILVA holds a master degree from the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT). He is Professor at the Paraná Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology. His research interests are in information science and technology, knowledge organization and their application to the domain of music. Rodrigo participates in the Integrative Levels Classification project and was a founder of the Aquela Música! project for a semantic database of Brazilian popular music.
Talk title: Commerce, see also Rhetoric: cross-discipline relationships as authority data for enhanced retrieval
Talk title: Commerce, see also Rhetoric: cross-discipline relationships as authority data for enhanced retrieval
LAURA PUSTERLA is a librarian at the Science and Technology Library, University of Pavia, where she works on cataloguing and systematic shelf-arrangement. She has recently graduated in Archive, Documentation and Library Science at the University of Pavia with a final paper on indexing historical documents, supervised by Paul G. Weston.
Talk title: Commerce, see also Rhetoric: cross-discipline relationships as authority data for enhanced retrieval
Talk title: Commerce, see also Rhetoric: cross-discipline relationships as authority data for enhanced retrieval
KORALJKA GOLUB is a senior lecturer at the Department of Library and Information Science, School of Cultural Sciences, Linnaeus University, Sweden and an adjunct lecturer at the School of Information Studies, Charles Stuart University, Australia. Prior to this she was an information science researcher at UKOLN, University of Bath, United Kingdom. Her research interests are in topics of information retrieval and knowledge organization, integrating existing knowledge organization systems with social tagging and/or automated subject indexing and evaluating resulting end-user information retrieval performance. Three of her major research projects focused on: evaluation of algorithms for automated subject classification and indexing in the context of information retrieval (EASTER); the potential of combining social tagging with Dewey Decimal Classification and Library of Congress Subject Headings (EnTag); and, terminology registries for UK further and higher education needs (TRSS).
Talk title: Managing classification in libraries – a methodological outline for evaluating automatic subject indexing and classification in Swedish library catalogues
Talk title: Managing classification in libraries – a methodological outline for evaluating automatic subject indexing and classification in Swedish library catalogues
JOACIM HANSSON is Professor and Director at the Department of Library and Information Science at the School of Cultural Sciences, Linnaeus University in Växjö, Sweden. His research covers vast range topics within LIS, such as library studies, bibliometrics and critical classification research. He has written on the theoretical and methodological development of LIS. His recent research interests are focused on issues concerning social use of bibliometrics, Open Access in scholarly publication and the new epistemology of documentation and knowledge organization. He authored six books and numerous articles in the field of library and information science.
Talk title: Managing classification in libraries – a methodological outline for evaluating automatic subject indexing and classification in Swedish library catalogues
Talk title: Managing classification in libraries – a methodological outline for evaluating automatic subject indexing and classification in Swedish library catalogues
DOUGLAS TUDHOPE is Professor in the Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Science, University of South Wales and leads the Hypermedia Research Unit. His main research interests are the intersecting areas of information science, digital libraries and hypermedia and the Semantic Web. He led the AHRC-funded STAR, STELLAR and SENESCHAL projects (Semantic Tools for Archaeological Resources), investigating semantic interoperability and the EPSRC funded FACET project, investigating thesaurus-based query expansion. He leads the Linking Archaeological Data Work Package for the ARIADNE FP7 Infrastructures Project. He is Editor of the New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia since 1977. He is a reviewer for various journals and international conferences. He is a member of NKOS. He co-authored the JISC State of the Art Review on Terminology Services and Technology and the JISC Terminology Registry Scoping Study. He served on the ISO TC46/SC9/SC8 (and NISO) working group developing a new thesaurus standard (ISO
Talk title: Managing classification in libraries – a methodological outline for evaluating automatic subject indexing and classification in Swedish library catalogues
Talk title: Managing classification in libraries – a methodological outline for evaluating automatic subject indexing and classification in Swedish library catalogues
ATTILA PIROS is a PhD candidate at the Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Debrecen. He holds master degree in Teaching Mathematics and Library and Information Sciences from the Faculty of Sciences, University of Debrecen. His doctoral research deals with analysis of the UDC notations and their utilisation in computerized information retrieval. He authored a number of research papers and has reported on his research at conferences. Attila has been working as a software developer and programmer since 2001 and currently works for a company based in the Netherlands on software solutions in market research.
Talk title: Automatic interpretation of complex UDC numbers: towards support for library systems
Talk title: Automatic interpretation of complex UDC numbers: towards support for library systems
ANDREA SCHARNHORST is Head of research at Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) - an institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). She is also scientific coordinator of the computational humanities programme at the e-humanities group of the KNAW. She has published about the transfer of concepts and methods at the interface between physics, information sciences, social sciences and humanities. Her work focuses on modelling and simulating the emergence of innovations (new modes of behaviour and learning, forms of communication, technologies or scientific ideas) in social systems.
Talk title: Knowledge maps for libraries and archives - uses and use cases
Talk title: Knowledge maps for libraries and archives - uses and use cases
RICHARD P. SMIRAGLIA is Professor, Knowledge Organization Research Group, School of Information Studies, at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. He has defined the meaning of “a work” empirically and explored the implications of the phenomenon of instantiation among information objects. Recent work includes domain analytical studies of knowledge organization, the empirical analysis of social classification and epistemological analysis of the role of authorship in bibliographic tradition. An associate researcher of the e-Humanities Group of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), he is a collaborating member of the Knowledge Space Lab effort to map the evolution of knowledge. He holds a PhD (1992) from the University of Chicago. He is editor-in-chief of the journal Knowledge Organization.
Talk title: Knowledge maps for libraries and archives - uses and use cases
Talk title: Knowledge maps for libraries and archives - uses and use cases
CHRISTOPHE GUÉRET is a postdoctoral researcher in Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) at the Dutch Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). Christophe holds a PhD in Computer Science from the Univeristy of Tours (France). His research interest is in the design of decentralised information systems and the study of their societal impact, in particular for less privileged parts of the world (see http://worldwidesemanticweb.wordpress.com/). Between 2007 and 2012, while at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, he worked on the interplay between Computational Intelligence and the Semantic Web (project SOKS), the publication of linked data within the EU funded project LATC and several W3C activities. From 2012 he has been working on the publication of historical data as linked data within the CEDAR project.
Talk title: Knowledge maps for libraries and archives - uses and use cases
Talk title: Knowledge maps for libraries and archives - uses and use cases
ALKIM ALMILA AKDAG SALAH is researcher at the e-Humanities group of the Dutch Royal Academy of Arts and Sceinces (KNAW) and adjunct lecturer at Bogazici University in Istambul where she teaches courses on information visualization. Almila holds a PhD in Arts History from UCLA (USA) and bachelor and master degrees in Industrial Design and Art History from Istanbul Technical University. Her research interest is computational technologies in digital humanities such as social network analysis, image analysis, text analysis, visual analytics and computational analysis of artworks. She was a recipient of the VENI Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)and worked as a researcher at the New Media Department of the University of Amsterdam and visiting lecturer at the Utrecht School of the Arts (HKU) and the University of Amsterdam.
Talk title: Knowledge maps for libraries and archives - uses and use cases
Talk title: Knowledge maps for libraries and archives - uses and use cases
SHENGHUI WANG is a Research Scientist at the OCLC EMEA office in Leiden, The Netherlands. Her current research activities include text and data mining as well as linked data investigations. She holds a PhD. in Computer Science from the University of Manchester. Shenghui has been conducting research in the broad field of Artificial Intelligence with interests in cognitive modelling, knowledge representation and reasoning, natural language semantics and machine learning. Before joining OCLC Research in 2012, Shenghui was a researcher at the Free University of Amsterdam and Wageningen University, exploring Semantic Web and language technologies to improve the semantic interoperability in the domain of cultural heritage and agrifood research.
Talk title: Second Life for Authority Records
Talk title: Second Life for Authority Records
ROB KOOPMAN is an architect at OCLC innovation and working with OCLC EMEA research. After receiving a BSc (Physics, computer science) at the University of Amsterdam he joined PICA library automation in 1981. For Pica he was team leader and architect within the CBS (central catalogue) group and responsible for the design of the PSI (PICA Searching & Indexing) search engine, the catalogue client and also responsible for the architecture of the CBS cataloguing system. After PICA was taken over by OCLC he became a member of global architecture and later innovation. He is currently working on name disambiguation and data visualization.
Talk title: Second Life for Authority Records
Talk title: Second Life for Authority Records
NUNO FREIRE is currently the Chief Data Officer at The European Library. He holds a PhD in Information Systems and Computer Engineering from the Instituto Superior Técnico (Lisbon). His research interests include information systems, information retrieval, information extraction, data quality, and knowledge representation - particularly in their application to digital libraries and bibliographic data. Nuno has been working in data oriented projects in the area of digital libraries. In his recent work, at The European Library, he conducted the governance and utilisation of aggregated data from European national bibliographies and special library collections via data integration, processing, analysis, and data mining. He has also been a member of the programme committees of major international conferences in the area: JCDL (Joint Conference on Digital Libraries) and TPDL (Theory and Practice in Digital Libraries).
Talk title: Linking library data: contributions and role of subject data
Poster presentation: Subject information and multilingualism in European bibliographic datasets: experiences with Universal Decimal Classification
Talk title: Linking library data: contributions and role of subject data
Poster presentation: Subject information and multilingualism in European bibliographic datasets: experiences with Universal Decimal Classification
VALENTINE CHARLES is a Data Research & Development coordinator for Europeana. She is responsible for advising, sharing knowledge and communicating Europeana’s scientific coordination and R&D activities. She is also coordinating the further development and adoption of the Europeana Data Model (http://pro.europeana.eu/edm-documentation) (EDM). Valentine is also Co-Chair of the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) Technical Board and Community Specification Committee.
Poster presentation: Subject information and multilingualism in European bibliographic datasets: experiences with Universal Decimal Classification
Poster presentation: Subject information and multilingualism in European bibliographic datasets: experiences with Universal Decimal Classification
ANTOINE ISAAC is R&D Manager at Europeana. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from University Paris-Sorbonne, where he started to work on applying Semantic Web and Linked Data techniques for cultural heritage (then at the French National Audiovisual Institute, INA). He has contributed to various national and European research projects and has been involved in a number of W3C groups, notably for SKOS and Library Linked Data. He is co-author of the French book "Le Web sémantique en bibliothèque". He is also a guest researcher at the Web & Media group in the Free University Amsterdam.
Poster presentation: Subject information and multilingualism in European bibliographic datasets: experiences with Universal Decimal Classification
Poster presentation: Subject information and multilingualism in European bibliographic datasets: experiences with Universal Decimal Classification
SUZANNE BARBALET is responsible for maintaining metadata standards and controlled vocabularies in resource discovery systems at the UK Data Archive. She has day to day responsibility for the thesaurus HASSET. She is a social science librarian and holds a BA (Hons) from the Australian National University, majoring in social science research methods. She has managed data collection for a number of academic social science surveys, including Rights in Australia, National Household Sample, 1991-1992 and the Longitudinal Study of the Elderly, Social Psychiatry Research Unit, Australian National University. She was Sociology Editor for the research gateway Intute: Social Sciences.
Poster presentation: Enhancing subject authority control at the UK Data Archive: a pilot study using UDC
Poster presentation: Enhancing subject authority control at the UK Data Archive: a pilot study using UDC
ANDREAS LEDL is subject librarian for psychology, philosophy and educational science at the University Library of Basel. He holds a graduate degree in educational science from University of Regensburg, a master degree in library and information science from Humboldt University of Berlin and a PhD from University of Flensburg. He finished his librarianship training at the University and Research Library Erfurt/Gotha. His research interests include information literacy, subject indexing, open data, open access, the Semantic Web and knowledge organization. In recent years, he has focused on developing bibliographical databases / search interfaces with the content management system Drupal. He is the initiator, technical head and manager of the Basel Register of Thesauri, Ontologies & Classifications (BARTOC). Andreas is co-founder and co-editor of the open access publication “027.7 Journal for Library Culture”.
Poster presentation: The BAsel Register of Thesauri, Ontologies & Classifications (BARTOC)
Poster presentation: The BAsel Register of Thesauri, Ontologies & Classifications (BARTOC)
AGNIESZKA MARIA KOWALCZUK holds a graduate degree in General Pedagogy and a master degree in Information Science from the University of Warsaw. She has been working in the Main Library of the Warsaw University of Technology since 1995, where she manages the keywords authorities and is involved in the improvement of subject access in the main catalogue of WUT libraries. She works on the maintenance of the local classification system used for the systematic arrangement of open access. She organizes and conducts training for the employees of the WUT Library System.
Poster presentation: Visualization of a library collection based on UDC: research in the Warsaw University of Technology Main Library
Poster presentation: Visualization of a library collection based on UDC: research in the Warsaw University of Technology Main Library
ŁUKASZ SKONIECZNY has been working in the Institute of Computer Science at Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) since 2010. His research interest is in database systems, data-, text- and webmining, graph theory and web development. He is the author of ten scientific papers and editor of three books. He is one of the main developers of the WUT Knowledge Base.
Poster presentation: Visualization of a library collection based on UDC: research in the Warsaw University of Technology Main Library
Poster presentation: Visualization of a library collection based on UDC: research in the Warsaw University of Technology Main Library
MAŁGORZATA WORNBARD holds a graduate degree in Russian Studies, Slavonic Studies and Applied Linguistics and a master degree in Information Science from the University of Warsaw. She is head of the Cataloguing Section of the Main Library of Warsaw University of Technology (WUT). At present, as a system librarian she coordinates collaboration with the National Universal Central Catalogue NUKAT. Wornbard supervises the online catalogue of the Main Library of WUT. Her research interest is in formal cataloguing in traditional and digital libraries, in particular with issues of iconographic documents on which she has presented at national conferences.
Poster presentation: Visualization of a library collection based on UDC: research in the Warsaw University of Technology Main Library
Poster presentation: Visualization of a library collection based on UDC: research in the Warsaw University of Technology Main Library
DARIJA ROZMAN has been working at the National and University Library in Ljubljana since 1996. She was the head of the Subject Cataloguing Department at the National and University Library in Ljubljana from 1998 until 2013. Her main research interests are in cataloguing, especially subject cataloguing and classification (UDC specifically), on which she has published a number of papers. Darija initiated and led a project to publish a Slovenian UDC Manual in 2006. She is active in training for classification experts and in preparing librarians for qualifying examinations and continuing education which is organized by the Library Educational Centre at the National and University Library. Darija is a member of the editorial team of the General Slovenian Subject Headings List Online (Spletni splošni slovenski geslovnik) and a member of the UDC Advisory Board.
Poster presentation: Experience with UDC updates: the Slovenian perspective
Poster presentation: Experience with UDC updates: the Slovenian perspective
ELENA CARDILLO is researcher at the Institute of Informatics and Telematics of CNR of Rende (IITUOS CNR). She holds a PhD in Information and Communication Technologies, specialization “Data and Knowledge Management", from the University of Trento in conjunction with the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Trento). She worked for three years as researcher in the field of knowledge acquisition, formalization and integration in healthcare at the e-Health research units at the Fondazione Bruno Kessler. In 2010 she was research fellow at the Lister Hill Center for Biomedical Communication, at the National Library of Medicine (NLM – NIH) in Bethesda, USA. Her research interests are focused on knowledge management and representation; terminology integration, classification systems, end-user terminologies, metadata models and on Semantic Web technologies. She has been involved in national and international projects related to data and knowledge management and semantic interoperability and collaborates with several national and international private and public institutions. international organizations.
Poster presentation: Towards the creation of integrated authority files in the domain of science and technology: an Italian use case.
Poster presentation: Towards the creation of integrated authority files in the domain of science and technology: an Italian use case.
IRYNA SOLODOVNIK holds a PhD in Philosophy of Communication (Scientific area Archiving, Library and Librarianship) from the University of Calabria. Her PhD Internship at the University of Vienna focused on research into the conceptual frameworks underpinning Digital Object lifecycle management. She currently works as a research fellow at the Institute of Informatics and Telematics of CNR of Rende (IIT-UOS CNR), where she has been involved in the analysis and development of metadata models, open access institutional repositories, digital library, linked open data and controlled vocabularies. She is a member of the COAR interest group “Controlled Vocabularies for Repository Assets" and a member of the editorial board of the Journal of the Sciences of Information.
Poster presentation: Towards the creation of integrated authority files in the domain of science and technology: an Italian use case.
Poster presentation: Towards the creation of integrated authority files in the domain of science and technology: an Italian use case.
MARIA TAVERNITI is a technology specialist at the Institute of Informatics and Telematics of CNR of Rende (IIT-UOS CNR), where she is primarily involved in document management activities for digital libraries. From 2009 to 2013 she was visiting professor of Cataloguing and Classification at the University of Salerno. Since 2009, she has been collaborating with the Labdoc (Department of Linguistics of University of Calabria) as research assistant for activities of training and research concerning indexing and classification of archival digital records in general and on the use of automated procedures for digital records appraisal and selection. She also collaborates with the Department of Linguistics at the University of Calabria as educational trainer for the course of Information Science and Documentation. Her research interest is in knowledge and document management.
Poster presentation: Towards the creation of integrated authority files in the domain of science and technology: an Italian use case.
Poster presentation: Towards the creation of integrated authority files in the domain of science and technology: an Italian use case.
VINITI All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical information is a national information center of Russia, designed to coordinate the development of scientific and technical information in the country. The Institute maintains a database of information on key branches of natural and technical Sciences, which has more than 35 000 000 abstracts about scientific publications in Russia and other countries, starting in 1981. Based on this database, the Institute publishes monthly editions of abstract journals, regularly reviews the status of science, provides online bibliographic and full text information.
As a basic information centre of Russia, Institute conducts research and practical work on the development of intellectual information technologies and maintenance of the linguistic tools of information systems. VINITI is responsible for the development and use in Russia of two national classification systems of scientific knowledge: the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) and the State Rubricator for Scientific and Technological Information (SRSTI). SRSTI is a shallow (3 levels) hierarchical classification, consistent with the structure of Russian economy and governance system. The total number of SRSTI headings is about 8000.
As a basic information centre of Russia, Institute conducts research and practical work on the development of intellectual information technologies and maintenance of the linguistic tools of information systems. VINITI is responsible for the development and use in Russia of two national classification systems of scientific knowledge: the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) and the State Rubricator for Scientific and Technological Information (SRSTI). SRSTI is a shallow (3 levels) hierarchical classification, consistent with the structure of Russian economy and governance system. The total number of SRSTI headings is about 8000.