
RICHARD P. SMIRAGLIA, keynote speaker, is Professor in the Knowledge Organization Research Group of the iSchool at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, a Visiting Professor for 2016-2017 at DANS - Data Archives and Networked Services (a Division of the Royal Netherlands Academy of the Arts and Sciences) and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Knowledge Organization. He has also been on the faculties of the Palmer School of Library and Information Science at Long Island University (1992-2009), the School of Library Service at Columbia University (1986-1992) and was Music Catalog Librarian at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1974-1986). He is the author of more than 300 publications in information science and knowledge organization. His work explores ontology extraction and evolution of knowledge in domains, classification interaction, classification-based knowledge maps, the cultural role of authorship, the representation of knowledge in knowledge organization systems and the phenomenon of instantiation among information objects. His books include Domain Analysis for Knowledge Organization (Chandos 2015), The Elements of Knowledge Organization (Springer 2014), Cultural Synergy in Information Institutions (Springer 2014) and The Nature of a Work (Scarecrow 2001). Edited volumes include Ontology for Knowledge Organization (Ergon 2015), Cultural Frames of Knowledge (Ergon 2013) and Dimensions of Knowledge: Facets for Knowledge Organization (Ergon 2017 forthcoming). He collaborated with the Knowledge Space Lab (Amsterdam) on knowledge maps and ontogeny of UDC and is currently working with Rick Szostak on comparisons between UDC and Basic Concepts Classification on interdisciplinarity. The objective of his year with DANS is to discover ways to use classification to overcome silos in data repositories as well as with the LOD Cloud. See more on his website and his blog.
Talk title: Facets as discourse: how facets and facet analytical theory reveal cultural dimensions in 21st century knowledge organization systems
Poster title: Comparative approaches to facets in interdisciplinary KOSs: UDC and Basic Concepts Classification

VANDA BROUGHTON, keynote speaker, is Emeritus Professor of Library & Information Studies at University College London, and the author of a number of books and articles on faceted classification and controlled vocabularies. She has worked on faceted classification systems since 1972 when appointed as Research Fellow on the Bliss Classification revision (BC2) project to work with Jack Mills. From that time she was a member of the UK Classification Research Group (CRG), then under the Chairmanship of Mills alongside such leading figures as Douglas Foskett, Eric Coates, Jason Farradane, Robert Fairthorne and Derek Austin. She had Joint Editorship of BC2 with Jack Mills until his death in 2010 when she became sole Editor and Chair of the Bliss Classification Association. She has also been an Associate Editor of the Universal Decimal Classification, sometime member of the IFLA Committee on Classification & Indexing and a founder member of the UK Chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization, which she chaired from 2007-2011. Her work in the UDC editorial team resulted in the application of CRG-type of facet analytical theory to the revision of class 2 Religion and several systematic auxiliaries and she has also researched the use of faceted vocabularies in digital environments. The FATKS project at UCL looked at methods of machine handling of faceted classification data, and associated problems of subject metadata in the humanities. In addition to the ongoing revision and development of the Bliss Classification, her current research work, focuses on the development of a broader theory of facet analysis and the use of encoding to support automatic generation of both thesaural and systematic knowledge structures from core terminologies. In the 2013 Research Excellence Framework for UK higher education, her work on faceted classification was chosen by the Department of Information Studies to represent the impact of its research on life and society beyond academia.
Talk title: Faceted classification as the basis of all information retrieval

BIRGER HJØRLAND, invited speaker, is Professor in knowledge organization at the Royal School of Library and Information Science at University of Copenhagen and was previously professor at University College in Borås (2000-2001). He holds an MA in psychology and PhD in library and information science. Prof. Birger was a research librarian at the Royal Library in Copenhagen 1978-1990, and taught information science at the Department of Mathematical and Applied Linguistics at the University of Copenhagen 1983-1986. He is chair of ISKO Scientific Advisory Council and a member of the editorial boards of Knowledge Organization, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology and Journal of Documentation. He is editor-in-chief of ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge Organization. His h-index on 2017-02-11 is 41 in Google Scholar and 23 in Web of Science.
Talk title: Facet analysis as one among other theories of classification

JOSEPH T. TENNIS, invited speaker, is an Associate Professor and Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs at the University of Washington Information School, Adjunct Associate Professor in Linguistics, and a member of the Textual Studies and Museology faculty advisory groups at the University of Washington. He is President of the International Society for Knowledge Organization and Immediate Past Chair of the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. He is on the Library Quarterly and Knowledge Organization journals editorial boards, and a member of the InterPARES Trust research team - a multidisciplinary digital records preservation research project with researchers across six continents. Tennis works in classification theory, metadata versioning, ethics of knowledge organization work, descriptive informatics, and authenticity. He teaches courses in classification, metadata, and intellectual foundations of information science at the University of Washington iSchool. He won the 2013 ALISE/Bohdan S. Wynar Award, for The Strange Case of Eugenics: A Subject's Ontogeny in a Long-Lived Classification Scheme and the Question of Collocative Integrity; and one of three best papers in the Theory and Methodology Track at Digital Cultural Heritage 2015 for his paper, Archival Metadata for Digital Cultural Heritage: Conceptual ProvenanContextual Forensics, and the Authority of the Found Digital Object. Tennis holds his Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies from Lawrence University, and Master of Library Science, and Specialist Degree in Book History both from Indiana University, and a PhD in Information Science from the University of Washington. He has thrice been a visiting scholar at the State University of São Paulo. And in the spring of 2016 he was an invited professor at the Université Charles-de-Gaulle - Lille 3.
Talk title: Facets and change: design requirements for analytico-synthetic schemes in light of subject ontogeny research

CLAUDIO GNOLI, invited speaker, has been an academic librarian since 1994, currently at the Science and Technology Library, University of Pavia, Italy. He has taught various courses and lessons on classification and knowledge organization, including a recent invited lecture at the KO Research Group, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. He is a specialist in classification and facet analysis on both the theoretical plane and its application to the development of classification systems based on disciplines (UDC editorial board) or based on phenomena (Integrative Levels Classification research project). He is co-author of Interdisciplinary Knowledge Organization (Springer, 2016); a chapter author in K. Golub's Subject Access to Information (Libraries Unlimited, 2014) and of numerous papers in academic journals; and web editor of the ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge Organization. He tweets on KO topics as @scritur.
Talk title: Syntax of facets and sources of foci: a review of alternatives
Talk title: Indexing KOSs in BARTOC by a disciplinary and a phenomenon-based classification: preliminary considerations

A. R. D. PRASAD, invited speaker, is Professor at the Documentation Research and Training Centre of the Indian Statistical Institute. He has worked in an advisory capacity on several important committees including the National Knowledge Commission (India) working group on libraries, DSpace Federation Governance Advisory Board, National e-Governance committee on data and metadata standards. His main interests are in IT applications for information systems in general, and his current research interests cover Semantic Web technologies, ontologies development and deployment, digital library research, and multi-lingual retrieval. Prof. Prasad has published more than 100 papers in national and international seminars, conferences and journals.
Talk title: DERA: from document-centric to entity-centric knowledge modelling

FAUSTO GIUNCHIGLIA, invited speaker, is Professor of Computer Science at University of Trento , a fellow of The European Association for Artificial Intelligence - EurAI and a member of Academia Europaea. He conducted his studies and taught at Universities of Genoa, Stanford University, University of Edinburgh and Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) in Trento. His research interests are in knowledge management, artificial intelligence, information systems and technology transfer. He is member of editorial boards ten journals in the field of artificial intelligence and technology. He has been involved in organization of international conferences such as International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) and was president of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Incorporated (KR, Inc.) In his academic career he has been member and has been chairing, presiding or coordinating many international research panels such as the panel of the European Research Council (ERC), International Advisory board of the Scottish Informatics and Strategic Informatics and Computer Science Alliance and Italian Platform for the Future Internet. For more details see Prof. Giunchiglia's webpage.
Talk title: DERA: from document-centric to entity-centric knowledge modelling

DEVIKA P. MADALLI, invited speaker, is a Professor of the Documentation Research and Training Centre, Indian Statistical Institute, India and Adjunct faculty, DISI, University of Trento, Italy. Prof. Madalli is founding member and served as the co-chair of the Agriculture Data Interest Group [IGAD], Research Data Alliance [RDA][2013-2016] at present Technical Advisory Board Member of the RDA. Her interest lies in the area of Open Data Repositories and Data Management, Knowledge Organization and application of facetization in Information Systems, Information Infrastructures, Agrisemantics, Digital Libraries, Semantic Web technologies, Faceted Ontologies and OERs [e-learning]. She served as a member of a high level evaluation committee of UNFAO’s FAOSTAT. She is a member of the Karnataka Evaluation Authority. She contributed to UNESCO's Global Open Access Portal (GOAP). She is a member of the high level evaluation team of the UN CGAIR on OA policy and implementation. She is on the advisory board of Universal Decimal Classification. She is the chair of Open Access India. Prof. Madalli is a technical advisory board member of the Research Data Alliance. She served as a consultant to several international organizations including UNFAO, UNESCO, and OECD. She served as a member of the G8+06 Data infrastructures working group hosted by European Commission and as CO-PI of EU FET Living Knowledge and EU Aginfra projects..
Talk title: DERA: from document-centric to entity-centric knowledge modelling

MARTIN FRICKÉ, invited speaker, is a Professor in the School of Information in the University of Arizona. He teaches networking, human-computer interaction, logic, and web design, as well as the courses in organization of information, research methods and information ethics. Prof. Frické typically studies at the interface of information organization, logic, and computer science. At present, he is working on the Distributed Web, and content based indexing and retrieval (via cryptocurrency infrastructures such as Ethereum smart contracts and the blockchain). For more information, visit Professor Frické's website.
Talk title: Faceted classification, analysis, and search: some questions on their interrelations

REBECCA GREEN is a senior editor of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) and program manager of Dewey Editorial Operations. Research interests include semantic relationships, the ontological characterization of classes in classification systems, extension of the FRSAD model to accommodate a topic-centered view of the DDC, and automated methods for identifying the facet structure of a subject. Prior to joining OCLC, Rebecca was an associate professor in the College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland.
Talk title: Facet analysis and semantic frames

DAGOBERT SOERGEL, is a Professor in the Department of Library and Information Studies, Graduate School of Education, University at Buffalo (since 2009). From 1970-2010 he was Professor at College of Information Studies, University of Maryland. He currently also works as a consultant to the World Bank ITS focusing on developing a corporate ontology, enterprise search, and text analytics and from 2015 serves as Director of Evaluation of the University at Buffalo Clinical and Translational Science Institute. For over 50 years he has worked on classification, ontologies, and thesauri; information retrieval and digital libraries; sensemaking; and relevance both practically and theoretically. He authored the still-standard text- and handbook Indexing Languages and Thesauri. Construction and Maintenance (Wiley 1974) and Organizing Information (Academic Press 1985), which received the ASIS Best Book Award, and more than 100 papers and presentations. He was the chief architect for the Alcohol and Other Drug Thesaurus and the Harvard Business Thesaurus. He received the American Society for Information Science Award of Merit in 1997.
Talk title: The principle of compositionality and entity-relationship modeling: faceted classification in a broader context

DEBORAH LEE was awarded her PhD in Library and Information Science in May 2017 from City, University of London (thesis title ‘Modelling music: a theoretical approach to the classification of notated Western art music’. Her research interests include music classification, the theory and aesthetics of classification schemes, music as information and the pedagogy of cataloguing education. As well as her research, Deborah is the Senior Cataloguer at the Courtauld Institute of Art book library, where she manages the cataloguing and classification. She is also a guest lecturer at City, University of London, and teaches cataloguing and classification as a CILIP onsite trainer. Deborah gained a BA in music from the University of Oxford, an MMus in historical musicology from Royal Holloway, University of London, an MA in information services management from London Metropolitan University, and a PGCert in higher education teaching from City, University of London.
Talk title: Numbers, instruments and hands: the impact of faceted analytical theory on classifying music ensembles

ATTILA PIROS, is a PhD candidate at the Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Debrecen. He holds a Master's Degree in Teaching Mathematics and Library and Information Sciences from the Faculty of Sciences, University of Debrecen. His doctoral research deals with analysis of the UDC notations and their utilisation in computerized information retrieval. He has authored a number of research papers and has reported on his research at conferences, including the International UDC Seminar 2015. Attila has been working as a software developer and programmer since 2001 and currently works for a company based in the Netherlands on software solutions in market research.
Talk title: The thought behind the symbol: about the automatic interpretation and representation of UDC numbers

ANDREAS LEDL, is subject librarian for psychology, philosophy and educational studies at the Basel University Library. He holds a graduate degree in educational science from University of Regensburg, a master degree in library and information science from Humboldt University of Berlin and a PhD from University of Flensburg. His research interests include knowledge organization, information literacy, subject indexing, open data, open access, and the Semantic Web. In recent years, he has focused on developing bibliographical databases / search interfaces with the content management system Drupal. He is the initiator, technical head and manager of the Basel Register of Thesauri, Ontologies & Classifications (BARTOC) and also founder and co-editor of the open access publication 027.7 Journal for Library Culture. ORCID: 0000-0002-0629-0446
Talk title: Indexing KOSs in BARTOC by a disciplinary and a phenomenon-based classification: preliminary considerations

SUZANNE BARBALET, is responsible for maintaining metadata standards and controlled vocabularies in resource discovery systems at the UK Data Archive. She has day to day responsibility for the thesaurus HASSET (Humanities and Social Science Electronic Thesaurus). She is a social science librarian and holds a BA (Hons) from the Australian National University, majoring in social science research methods. She has managed data collection for a number of academic social science surveys, including Rights in Australia, National Household Sample, 1991-1992 and the Longitudinal Study of the Elderly, Social Psychiatry Research Unit, Australian National University. She was Sociology Editor for the research gateway Intute: Social Sciences.
Talk title: The challenge of managing access to new and novel forms of data: an application of UDC

NATHAN CUNNINGHAM, is an Associate Director with the UK Data Archive. In this role he coordinates and leads a team providing all aspects of digital transformation including new approaches for managing new and novel forms of data, investments in supporting technology and data science. Before joining the UK Data Archive in 2014 he worked for 15 years for a diverse range of organizations, including Natural Environment Research Council, the Schmidt Ocean Institute and the British Antarctic Survey (government agencies, non-profits and academia). In these roles, he was responsible for data and science delivery. Nathan specialises in capacity building for data intensive research and helps institutions make decisions about allocating resources by providing assurance about big data technologies. Drawing on many years' experience in building data services, data management and manging digital teams, he now focuses mainly on the ESRC Big Data Network Support and Data and Innovation Services for the UK Data Service.
Talk title: The challenge of managing access to new and novel forms of data: an application of UDC

JIRI PIKA, is a member of the UDC Editorial Team and works on the revision of Earth Sciences and on the German UDC editions (UDC Summary, UDC Abridged Edition and Deutsche UDK Online). Up until 2014 he worked as a subject specialist in Earth Sciences at the ETH-Bibliothek Zurich, the largest science and technology library in Switzerland During and developed a local Earth Sciences Classification for the open-access of the main Earth Science Department Library. Jiri was also teaching indexing and classification at the master degree programme in Library and Information Science offered in collaboration between Zurich University and University Library in Zurich from 1998-2014. Jiri holds PhD degree in Natural Sciences from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH).
Talk title: Facets of the UDC and their performance in NEBIS

PAWEŁ LULA is an associate professor and the Head of the Department of Computational Systems at Cracow University of Economics. He holds an MA in economic cybernetics and computer science and PhD in economics and habilitation from the same university. Pawel is a member of the Classification and Data Analysis Section of the Polish Statistician Society. His research interests are in exploratory text analysis, ontology-based models, neural networks models and social network analysis and participated in several national and international research and education projects in these fields. He worked as a visiting professor at University of Kragujevac (Serbia), Banking University in Kiev (Ukraine) and Plekhanov Russian University of Economics in Moscow (Russia).
Talk title: Similarity measurement between UDC codes and its application

URSZULA CIERASZEWSKA is a Deputy Director of Library Services at the Cracow University of Economics and coordinates the cooperation of Polish scientific libraries within the BazEkon Consortium (bibliographic and full-text literature database in the field of economics and related disciplines). Ursula holds an MA in library and information science from the Institute of Information and Library Science of the Pedagogical Academy in Cracow. Her research interests are in the library services supporting scholarly communication. She is a member of the StatEL team working on the development of a model for calculating and manging the number of e-journals and databases subscriptions and is involved in the creation of Dorobek, a database supplying data to Polish Scholarly Bibliography.
Talk title: Similarity measurement between UDC codes and its application

PATRICIA DE ALMEIDA, holds a bachelor degree in Modern Languages and Literature - Portuguese Studies from the University of Porto (Portugal) and a masters in Education and Libraries from Universidade Portucalense (Portugal). She is a Portuguese teacher, school librarian, and member of the Centre for 20th Century Interdisciplinary Studies - CEIS20. She is currently pursuing her PhD in Information Science at the University of Coimbra, Portugal. Her main research interest is knowledge organization and management.
Talk title: The contribution of Ranganathan's facets to the determination of aboutness in novels

MARIA DA GRAÇA DE MELO SIMÕES, PhD, is Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Communication and Information, Faculty of Letters, University of Coimbra, Portugal. She focuses her research and teaching interest in knowledge organization. She has published several works related to these areas in books, scientific journals and conference proceedings.
Talk title: The contribution of Ranganathan's facets to the determination of aboutness in novels

DANIEL MARTINEZ-ÁVILA, PhD, is Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Information Science, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Marília, Brazil. He collaborates with the Satija Research Foundation for Library and Information Science (SRFLIS), India, and the Institute for Gender Studies (IEG) at University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain. He is a member of the ISKO Scientific Advisory Council. He has also contributed to the translation of the UDC online summary to Spanish.
Talk title: The contribution of Ranganathan's facets to the determination of aboutness in novels

AIDA SLAVIC, is the editor-in-chief of the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) and works on the development and the maintenance of the scheme for the UDC Consortium, based in The Hague. She is also an Associate Professor (visiting lecturer) in the Department of Information and Communication Sciences at the University of Zagreb (Croatia), where she a lecturer at the master and doctoral programmes on the subject of indexing languages, knowledge organization, information retrieval and classification systems. She holds a Ph.D. in library and information studies from University College London. Her research interest is in use of classification in the networked environment, knowledge organization, classification, metadata and semantic technologies.
Talk title: Facet analysis in UDC: questions of structure, functionality and data formality

SYLVIE DAVIES, is an Associate Lecturer in Information Management at Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, and a member of the UDC Editorial Team. Her original background is in languages with degrees in German and Mandarin Chinese, followed more recently by MSC studies in Information and Library Studies. Her teaching areas include controlled vocabularies, taxonomies and bibliographic classification. Her research interests lie in the area of cross-cultural communication (at national and corporate level) of organised knowledge with a focus of multilingual and multicultural thesauri. Locally, she has been involved in aspects of information management in the oil and gas industry via the delivery of taxonomy workshops and cross-industry forum discussion on the role of information management professionals in that industry.
Talk title: Facet analysis in UDC: questions of structure, functionality and data formality


MARCIA LEI ZENG, is Professor of Library and Information Science at Kent State University, USA. She holds a PhD from the School of Information Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh and an MA from Wuhan University in China. Her major research interests include knowledge organization structures/systems/services (KOS), Linked Data, metadata and markup languages, smart data and big data, database quality control, semantic technologies, and digital humanities. Her scholarly publications consist of more than eighty papers and five books, as well as over two hundred national and international conference presentations and invited lectures. Her research projects have received funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF), Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), OCLC, Ohio Board of Regents, Fulbright, and other foundations. Dr. Zeng has chaired or served on committees, working groups, and executive boards for the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), Special Libraries Association (SLA), Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), the US National Information Standards Organization (NISO), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI), International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO), and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
Poster title: Turn over a new facet: an analysis of the applications of faceted systems for facilitating the explorations of museum collections on the Web

SHU-JIUN CHEN, is Assistant Research Fellow of Institute of History and Philology at Academia Sinica and serves the Executive Secretary of Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures. She is Adjunct Assistant Professor of Graduate Institute of Library & Information Studies at National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan, where she teaches Information organization and information literacy instruction. She holds a PhD from the Department and Graduate Institute of Library and Information Science at the National Taiwan University and an MA from Information School at the University of Sheffield in UK. Her major research interests include KOS, Linked Data, metadata, digital cultural heritage and digital humanities. Her scholarly publications consist of more than forty papers and over eighty domestic and international conference presentations. Dr Chen initiated the Research Project of Chinese-language AAT (Art & Architecture Thesaurus) with the Getty Research Institute, USA since 2008. She currently has engaged in the digital humanities program funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan and as the PI of the Ontologies and Digital Research Tools for Buddhist Art Images.
Poster title: Turn over a new facet: an analysis of the applications of faceted systems for facilitating the explorations of museum collections on the Web

RICK SZOSTAK, Rick Szostak is Professor of Economics at the University of Alberta. He has studied the theory and practice of interdisciplinarity for two decades and has emphasized in the last decade the ways in which knowledge organization systems might better facilitate interdisciplinarity. He recently co-authored Interdisciplinary Knowledge Organization. He has created the Basic Concepts Classification, and is engaged in efforts to evaluate the BCC and compare it to other classification systems.
Talk title: Theory versus practice in facet analysis
Poster title: Comparative approaches to facets in interdisciplinary KOSs: UDC and Basic Concepts Classification

UMA BALAKRRISHNAN, holds a Master degree in LIS (Robert Gordon Unversity, Aberdeen). She is in charge of subject indexing and KOS related projects at the Head office of the Common Library Network GBV (VZG). She is also the project coordinator of the mapping project coli-conc. Her responsibilities and interests include KOS, semantic web, metadata standards and interoperability and users search interface. She represents the VZG at the Expert Group for Subject indexing, the GBV Expert Group for Indexing and Information, the European Dewey User Group and the Regensburg Verbund Classification User group.
Poster title: Coli-conc: mapping library knowledge organization systems

DARIJA ROZMAN, has been working in National and University Library in Ljubljana since 1996. She was the head of the Subject Cataloguing Department at the National and University Library in Ljubljana from 1998 until 2013. Her main research interests are in cataloguing, especially subject calaloguing and classification (UDC specifically), on which she has published a number of papers. Darija initiated and led a project to publish a Slovenian UDC Manual in 2006. She is active in training for classification experts and in preparing librarians for qualifying examinations and continuing education which is organized by the Library Educational Centre at the National and University Library. Darija is a member of the editorial team of the Slovenian General Subject Headings List Online (Spletni splošni slovenski geslovnik) and a member of the UDC Advisory Board.
Poster title: UDC facets in action in Slovenia

VIKTOR N. BELOOZEROV is Leading Researcher at All-Russia Institute for Scientific and Technological Information (VINITI), Moscow, Russia and Senior Researcher at Federal Research Center Informatics and Control, Moscow, Russia. Dr. Beloozerov studied Physics at Moscow Physical and Technological Institute and then, from 1964 to 1974, he worked in the Radiotechnical Institute of USSR Academy of Sciences. On having received the PhD in Theoretical Linguistics at Moscow Lomonosov University, he started his researches in the domain of linguistic tools of information systems in All-Russia Institute for Technological Information, Classification and Coding. In 1990 he moved to VINITI where he works now on developing and maintaining the Russian edition of UDC and other classification systems. MARAT R. BIKTIMIROV is Acting Director VINITI and member of the UDCC Executive Committee. He graduated from Kazan National Research Technical University and in 2008 defended his PhD thesis at Kazan Technological University (Tatarstan Republic, Russia), on the issue of Access control models in distributed computer systems. Dr. Biktimirov has been working in the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) since 1999. From 2011 to 2013 he was Deputy Director of Russian Research Institute of Information Technologies and Computer-Aded Design. In 2015, Dr. Biktimirov was appointed Acting Director of VINITI with the problem of increasing the efficiency of information support of Russian science. ALEKSANDR B. ANTOPOLSKIJ is Chief Researcher at the Institute for Social Sciences Information, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia and Professor at the Moscow State Institute of Culture, Khimki, Russia. He graduated from Moscow Lomonosov University in theoretical linguistics in 1967 and defended PhD thesis in 1970. Then he worked in various Russian research institutions on the problems of information retrieval languages, analysis of Russian information resources and development of electronic libraries. In 2000-ies Antopolskij founded and headed the STC "Informregistr", the Russian national depository of electronic publications. In 1994, he received the degree of Doctor of Technological Sciences and the title of Professor. His principal project currently concerns the development of the network of information resources for Humanities and Social Sciences in Russia. OLGA A. ANTOSHKOVA is Deputy Head of the Department of Methods in the VINITI. She was born in Krasnoyarskij Kraj (Siberia) but graduated from Moscow District Pedagogical Institute in 1977. Then Ms. Antoshkova joined the VINITI where she works up to now on the problems of standardization and linguistic support of information systems. TATYANA S. ASTAXOVA is Senior Researcher in the VINITI. She graduated from Moscow State Institute of Culture, Khimki, Russia in 1985. Then she worked in the academic library of Moscow Aviation Institute. In 2000, Mrs. Astaxova joined VINITI where from 2001 she became the General Editor of the Russian editions of the UDC tables. OLGA V. SMIRNOVA is Scientific Researcher in the VINITI. She graduated from D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia in 1985 and then she worked in the academic library of this university. In 2000, Ms. Smirnova joined VINITI. Her main task is the indexing of information by UDC, maintaining the reference tables and advice on the methods of UDC application
Poster title: Establishment of correspondences between Web of Science subject areas and UDC

INKYUNG CHOI is a PhD candidate at the school of information studies at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee. She holds a Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science from ischool at Syracuse University. Her research interests stem from intellectual curiosity about social and cultural pluralistic perspectives, which influence ways of organizing knowledge. Her dissertation research is a mixed method study to investigate in what ways a globalized knowledge organization (KO) system can be adapted into a culturally different regional environment and what are the impacts of sociocultural factors on the adaptation of the system. As a case of the localization of a global classification system, she has investigated the Korean Decimal Classification (KDC), which has served as the Korean national library classification. She has reported the dissertation research in progress at a number of conferences and workshops including ALISE 2017, Observatory for Knowledge Organisation Systems by KNOWeSCAPE, NASKO 2017 and North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization 2017.
Inkyung attendance to the International UDC Seminar is sponsored by The Information Architecture Institute, Doctoral Program Committee of School of Information Studies (SOIS) and the Dean's Discretionary fund at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Poster title: Comparative analysis of universal library classification: the Dewey Decimal Classification and the Korean Decimal Classification



see also: ISKO UK 2017
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