UDC Seminar 2015

Call for Papers

Download the CFP as a PDF

We invite experts in authority control, classification schemes and linked data to provide overviews, illustrations and analysis of classification data management and exploitation. Contributions are welcome on high quality, innovative research and practice on the following topics:

  • Classification as a component of subject authority control
  • Classification data authority formats and modeling
  • Classification and multilingual subject access
  • Sharing classification data from authority files
  • Classification data in the open linked data context



We will accept two kinds of contributions: conference papers and posters. Authors should submit a paper proposal in the form of an extended abstract (1000-1200 words including references for papers and 500-600 words for posters). Please see the submission form.

Proposals will be reviewed by the Programme Committee consisting of an international panel of experts. Each submission will undergo a blind review by at least three reviewers. Selected authors will be required to submit their final papers as a camera-ready copy by 15 May 2015.

Conference proceedings will be published by Ergon Verlag and will be distributed at the conference.


Important Dates

08 Mar 2015
Paper proposal submission deadline
23 Mar 2015
Notification of acceptance & paper submission instruction
15 May 2015
Papers submission (camera ready copy)


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